
Global articles on espionage, spying, bugs, and other interesting topics.

Stalker Uses Hidden Surveillance Camera On Victim

by Nick Beres

MURFEESBORO, Tenn. — Murfreesboro Police are looking for a stalker after the victim found a hidden camera secretly watching her home.

“It effects every facet of my life,” said Gina Wiser.

For months Wiser has been dealing with a stalker making phone calls or following from a distance.  This past weekend she discovered a box attached to the light pole on the street outside her home.Suspicious of the device Wiser called police.

They took the box down and discovered a camera inside that had been pointed right at her home.  It’s similar to those used by hunters to capture images of game like deer.

“This was probably a first where somebody used a device to monitor wildlife to stalk a human,” said Kyle Evans with the Murfreesboro Police Dept.

Wiser wonders what will happen next.

“It effects everything you do from the moment you wake up till when you toss and turn at night because you never know where he might be,” said Wiser.

Police have not yet made an arrest. They believe the stalker is someone Wiser knows. They do have several leads, especially with the new piece of evidence.

Detectives hope to track the buyer of the high tech camera.