Espionage Research Institute – Day 1

This is what I heard today…
• Need to make sure the people outside of your room can’t overhear you?
Dynasound to the rescue. As they say, “These are not your father’s white noise generators.” Made to be un-filterable, this white noise is injected directly into construction materials (as opposed to vibrated in with old piezo-electric transducers). The benefit… walls, windows, ceilings and floors transmit the sound outward. People in the room can hardly hear it. Bonus… Need a temporary solution (as in a hotel) or need to move the permanent installation? No problem. The new transducers are easy to move.
• Want to have 24/7 monitoring of an area for certain types of bugging devices?
Global TSCM Group has an answer. Their multi-faceted monitoring system may be monitored anywhere via the Internet. It may not be the total answer, but it helps when securing Boardrooms and creating secure conference rooms.
• Need to control Wi-Fi and cell phone usage in your building?
AirPatrol can do it. Once their system is installed, you will know where every rogue laptop, unauthorized Wi-Fi appearance point and cell phone is… within six feet of its exact location, plotted on a computer map. Also, monitorable via the Internet. (PS – There is a whole lot more their system does. Visit their web site.)
Ok… Lunch break.
• Need portable secure storage for cell phones and tablets when everyone enters the top secret meeting? Hey, you never know whose cell phone is infected with spyware, turning their phone into a bugging device. Vector Technologies has the answer, and if the answer doesn’t suit you, talk to them. They will make whatever you need. Bonus… It won’t look like an old pirate’s chest. They make really nice looking stuff with pneumatic lids! Independent testing labs certify effectiveness. Call 540-872-0444.
The rest of the afternoon, ERI members taught what they know…
• “Finds in the Computer World” – Dr. Gordon Mitchell
• “Access Control / Physical Security” – Mark Clayton
• “Building and Using a UV LED Light Source” – Dr. Gordon Mitchell
• “Adventures with Software Defined Radio” – Kevin D. Murray
More tomorrow…
(MJD, DC can be fun. Make the TSCM hajj next year.)
Tags: advice, cell phone, eavesdropping, ERI, espionage, News & Updates, product, security news, spy, spy school, Tips, TSCM, Wi-Fi
By on 09/10/2010