Sleazy landlord caught spying on naked tenants
Bruno Silvoli pictured outside the Manly Court. Picture: Manly Daily
Source: News Limited
A SLEAZY 75-year-old landlord was caught lurking in an air vent with a camera – filming his young tenants having sex, a court has heard.
Bruno Silvolli, of Narrabeen in Sydney, also cut holes in the bathroom wall of his tenants’ apartment so he could spy on those inside.
The married man is due for sentencing in January after pleading guilty in the Manly Court to several counts of filming and watching without consent, as well as indecently assaulting a female tenant, the Manly Daily reported.
He first came to police attention last year when a young couple, who were renting the apartment below Silvolli’s home, reported the old man had groped the woman’s breast while she hung washing out and later exposed himself.
When interviewed by police, the woman also recalled regularly hearing a sound like a camera was operating when she left the shower and went into the bedroom to get changed. It became so frequent she started getting changed in another room.
This year, on October 22, another couple, who were renting the flat from Silvolli, were having sex when they heard what sounded like an electronic device being turned on.
The man approached the air vent in the corner of the room and saw the louvres bent and a silver video camera inside. He looked closer and saw Silvolli holding the camera.
The couple reported the incident to police, who carried out a search warrant of Silvolli’s unit the following day – seizing a video camera, digital memory cards and digital video cassettes – and subsequently arrested Silvolli.
Investigators were able to identify the woman from the 2010 incident on 27 occasions in videos of her in the bathroom and bedroom, undressing, naked and engaging in private acts.
Police also identified her boyfriend as well as three other unknown women.
Read more about Landlord films tenants with hidden camera in the Manly Daily.
By on 14/12/2011