You know it’s time to call in the PR folks when…
By on 26/11/2010
By on 26/11/2010
By on 16/11/2010
Q. I’m a boss who tricked my workers into adding me as Xbox Live friends. How can I spy on them when they’re “working” from home to make sure they’re not playing Xbox?
A. One of the great features of the Xbox and its online service is the integration with the website. It lets you easily see all your Xbox friends. It can be abused by mean bosses to quickly, in table form, see the last time the friends were on XBOX and what they were doing.
Just perform the following:
Go to and select “Sign In” in the top right of the site.
• Sign in with the Live ID associated with your XBox Live ID.
• Click on your own profile.
• Select View All Friends under Friends.
You can see who’s online, who’s offline, when they were last online, and what everyone is or was doing. (more)
By on 10/11/2010
During the Middle Ages, eavesdropping was illegal in England, but overheard conversations could be used as evidence in court. Today, the internet, cell phones and reality TV make it difficult not to pry into the conversations and private lives of friends or strangers. In a new book, linguistics professor John Locke
argues that eavesdropping is actually a good thing. Prying has helped humans stay away from danger, find food, identify mate mates, and assured us that we are not alone. (New Hampshire Public Radio audio report)
By on 10/11/2010