
Global articles on espionage, spying, bugs, and other interesting topics.

Keep abreast of the espionage threats facing your organisation.

Protecting Your Organisation From Espionage

Gone are the days when a simple sweep for bugs could solve all of your problems. Today’s world of espionage is so much more complex than ever before and it’s getting harder and harder to protect against the threats.

In the mid-nineties, I wrote an article titled “Surveillance in Society”. It was intended to highlight the ways in which surveillance had changed over the years, confirming many people’s thoughts, that they could not go about their daily business without being filmed or photographed multiple times. It was by no means a criticism of surveillance systems, rather, a means by which to relay to the community that surveillance is good for us. It protects us.

A lot has changed since then. No longer can we assume that what we do remains private.

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Are you ready to combat the threat?

How can you help to protect your company from the theft of information and corporate espionage? This client briefing offers some security advice on what what you can do to limit the chance of you or your company becoming the target of spying or other espionage-related crime.

For a free copy of, “Corporate Espionage – Are you ready to combat the threat”, please click here.