
Global articles on espionage, spying, bugs, and other interesting topics.

Electronic Bugs and Hidden Cameras Found In Councillors’ Homes

Earlier this year after a suspicious break-in, a leading Sydney Councillor accidentally discovered a listening device concealed under his house. It was alleged that the same councillor had located another device some weeks earlier that was apparently logging computer activity, via a crude attachment at the back of his PC. The councillor felt that the installation must be politically motivated, as little was stolen during the initial break-in. Furthermore, there was an election looming and various suspicious [political] incidents occurred during the lead-up.

As a result, management within the local government he represents requested that a series of sweeps be undertaken of other councillor’s homes.

It begs the question of who would be bugging a local councillor and for what benefit? We have undertaken technical surveillance countermeasure inspections for numerous governments (local, state and federal) over the years, generally as a precautionary measure. Interestingly, we’ve found definitive evidence of listening devices having been placed at a number of locations and have provided practical security advice accordingly. In most cases, however, we’ve believed that these placements have been in relation to various inquiries undertaken by law enforcement agencies – an area we do not want to interfere with.

There’s no doubt that opposing political parties would significantly benefit from insider information pertaining to policies and possibly campaigning, gained as a result of illegal listening devices placed in offices or homes of candidates. This is one possibility. If there was only one person found to be bugged, we might also suggest that the installation of a spy device could be related to personal matters, such as infidelity or other domestic disputes. However, as we understand it, at least two councillors from the same council appear to have been targeted.

In the past, we’ve heard of rogue security advisors or unethical investigators placing a bug, to then claim to have ‘found’ one. Of course, we are not suggesting that this is the case with the current matter, although it is something to keep in mind, perhaps for future reference. It is also highly improbable in this instance, as we understand that the Councillor himself came across the original device by accident!

Finding a genuine listening device in any situation is a serious issue and highlights the importance of ensuring that security controls, processes and procedures are sufficiently implemented to reduce the chance of you or your organisation becoming the target of espionage. Our firm maintains absolute discretion on all engagements and we ensure clients that all and any dealings had with us, will remain STRICTLY confidential.

Jayde Consulting offers a range of client briefings and posted advice on protecting your company from eavesdropping and illegal surveillance.

We encourage you to view some of these briefings via the following link – “Jayde Consulting’s Client Briefings”.

You may also be interested in one of our posts on protecting yourself from espionage – “How To Protect Your Business From Spying”.