
Global articles on espionage, spying, bugs, and other interesting topics.

Keep abreast of the espionage threats facing your organisation.

"Ruff, ruff, I’m going to get tutored!"

VA – “The Danville Area Humane Society will have more options for spying and neutering dogs and cats belonging to residents of Danville and Pittsylvania County during the week of Oct. 11-15.” (more)

OSS Memorabilia – Warning & Request

If you have been saving OSS memorabilia and would like to see it properly preserved, or you have inherited OSS items and don’t know what to do with them, please consider the following message from The OSS Society in Washington, DC.
OSS Artifacts — It has come to our attention that private collectors of OSS artifacts may have been identifying themselves as ‘official’ historians. The OSS Society does not have an official historian. If anyone identifies themselves as such to you or has done so previously, please contact us immediately.
The same collectors may be inducing OSS veterans and others to part with their OSS memorabilia by promising not to sell items donated to them or promising to return them and not doing so. It is also our understanding that collectors have not been properly documenting these gifts. Without such documentation, anyone to whom you donate OSS items is free to do with them as they choose, including selling them.
If you have OSS artifacts in your possession, The OSS Society would be honored to receive them. We respectfully ask that you consider donating them to The OSS Society and not to private collectors so that your donations can be properly documented and preserved. You can also rest assured that your donated items will never be sold or donated to a third party by The OSS Society.”
If you have items that you wish to donate, please contact:
6723 Whittier Ave. 200
McLean, VA 22101
oss ( at )

The "Thousand Grains of Sand" Approach to Business Espionage

American counter-intelligence efforts are snagging more Chinese spies. This may be more because of increased spying effort by China, than more success by the FBI and CIA…
For over two decades, China has been attempting to do what the Soviet Union never accomplished; steal Western technology, then use it to move ahead of the West…

China gets around this by making it profitable for Western firms to set up factories in China, where Chinese managers and workers can be taught how to make things right. At the same time. China allows thousands of their best students to go to the United States to study. While most of these students will stay in America, where there are better jobs and more opportunities, some will come back to China, and bring American business and technical skills with them. Finally, China energetically uses the “thousand grains of sand” approach to espionage. This involves China trying to get all Chinese going overseas, and those of Chinese ancestry living outside the motherland, to spy for China, if only a tiny bit. (more)

In many societies, this activity is considered normal and patriotic. This highly organized info-harvesting for the sake of the tribe is not the norm in Western society. We have a difficult time fathoming this mentality. Our natural reaction is to treat the threat as unreal. Crime victims often mention this phenomena when describing their experience. 
Accepting the evidence is the first step in defending yourself from an international mugging. Put yourself in the other society’s shoes for a moment. Think about it. Their strategy makes sense. Look around. Their strategy works. Accept the evidence. There is no reason for them to change tactics. There is every reason for it to continue and intensify.

They have a working strategy. You need a counter strategy, before your pockets are picked. Call us or the person who hosts Kevin’s Security Scrapbook on their web site. Get a counterespionage strategy… while you can still afford one.

Are you ready to combat the threat?

How can you help to protect your company from the theft of information and corporate espionage? This client briefing offers some security advice on what what you can do to limit the chance of you or your company becoming the target of spying or other espionage-related crime.

For a free copy of, “Corporate Espionage – Are you ready to combat the threat”, please click here.

Espionage is on the increase

This client briefing looks at the increase in espionage across the globe and how businesses can and have been affected.

For a free copy, please click here.