A senior researcher at McAfee has gone public with evidence of one of the largest cyber espionage campaigns in recent history, but while he has refused to speculate on who may be responsible for the theft of government secrets and corporate documents, other than to say it was “state sponsored,” fingers are pointing squarely at China.
The research, first reported by Vanity Fair, shows that perpetrators spent at least five years stealing documents and other intellectual property from 72 government and private organisations in 14 countries. Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research at McAfee is credited with discovering the the campaign, called Operation Shady RAT, or “remote access tool.”
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The threat posed by mobile phone spy software is very real. Spy software is readily available and affordable. Installing it is simple – provided you have access to the target phone. It is, however, ILLEGAL to install it on any phone other than your own within most states in Australia.
Phone spy software provides the ability to:
- Eavesdrop on active telephone calls
- Record all text (SMS) messages
- Track your location via GPS and GSM
- Activate the phone’s microphone via Bluetooth; and much more!
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PROVO — When Marshall Fox installed a secret
camera in a shower and started snapping pictures of teenage girls,
he probably didn’t realize it would eventually lead to a year in
jail and six more on probation.
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Shady RAT intrusions were rampant in 2008, the year of the Beijing Olympics. (Click image for a large, readable version.)
(Credit: McAfee)
A widespread cyber-espionage campaign stole government secrets, sensitive corporate documents, and other intellectual property for five years from more than 70 public and private organizations in 14 countries, according to the McAfee researcher who uncovered the effort.
The campaign, dubbed “Operation Shady RAT” (RAT stands for “remote access tool”) was discovered by Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research at the cyber-security firm McAfee. Vanity Fair‘s Michael Joseph Gross was first to write about the findings. The targets cut across industries, including government, defense, energy, electronics, media, real estate, agriculture, and construction. The governments hit include the U.S., Canada, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and India.
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Canberra is seen as the soft underbelly of the Western intelligence club. Photo: Louise Kennerley
CYBER espionage is being used against Australia on a ”massive scale” and some foreign spies are using Australian government networks to penetrate the cyber defences of allies such as the US, ASIO chief David Irvine has told business leaders.
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